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Become a Band Booster

Support our Students!

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Who can be a booster?

Membership in the Butler Traditional High School Band Booster shall be open to all parents, guardians, patrons, alumni, and band directors of students currently enrolled in the Butler Traditional High School Band and its feeder schools, both elementary and middle school.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do boosters do?

Whatever is necessary! There are many administrative and physical details to running such an extensive and successful program. Mr. Gordon has no secretarial support. Imagine, for example, the logistics of feeding and transporting 60+ Marching Band members (uniforms, equipment and their instruments) many miles
each weekend for a band competition!  Funds must be raised and accounted for, permission slips and health forms obtained and filed, chaperones recruited, luggage checked and stowed, as well as a thousand other necessary tasks and details.


We also assist with every performance—sometimes preparing travel itineraries, arranging for food every weekend (even preparing two or three meals), providing refreshments, moving equipment, and even fixing last-minute uniform emergencies…… and did we mention moving equipment?

Of course, we raise funds for the band program.  We are often asked, “Why do the Butler Band Boosters do so much fundraising?”   There are many expenses, which we gladly cover, that help make our program far superior to other programs with similar funding constraints.

Band Camp clinicians, instruments and repairs, trip expenses, student meals and a myriad of other small but extremely significant details are handled by the Band Booster Association budget to keep our program one of the best in the state of Kentucky.

Where does the money come from to fund all of the events and pay for extra instruction?

Some of the money comes from band fees, and a much larger portion comes from fundraising.  It is essential to understand that when a parent signs up to work an event, the band counts
on the generation of funds from the parents’ work at the event.

What does the ‘band fee’ money actually pay for?

A large portion of the band fee money pays for the expenses of Band Camp. Extra Instructors are hired for the specialized training of certain sections. This can change year to year depending on the seniority in the particular sections. Some of the fee money is used for instrument parts/maintenance, uniform maintenance and equipment rental for training. The money is also used for incidentals, such as, water to prevent dehydration during practice.

Why you?

If your child is part of the program, then you are part of the support system. If each of the band parents contributed a modest effort, none of us would find the tasks difficult. Some of us enjoy the camaraderie of regular band events and look forward to the opportunities band parents are given to interact with a terrific bunch of kids! 

Join the Band Boosters!

Are you willing to volunteer to help?
I am willing to volunteer in the following areas: (Choose all that apply)
Booster Membership Level

Welcome to the BTHS Band Boosters! 

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